The Worst “Electric Skateboard” In The World

FabTRAV, one of those YouTubers who gets lots of merch (he’s a pro boarder as well as a celebrity and probably lots of other things), posted a video yesterday I hesitated to embed here. I figured I’d give him a grace period in case he decided it wasn’t a good idea to do that video and he wanted to delete it.

Well, the video is still up, so it’ll be after the break.

It’s all about this WTFery: I-Ride: Next Gen eBoard That Fits In Your Backpack

I encountered that in my research last week and was going to do a WTF post. But FabTRAV’s WTF video is better. And hilarious!

Just looking at this as someone who’s a complete ignoramus about skateboarding struck me as Just Wrong:

FabTRAV thinks it’s even More Wrong than I thought.


Previously here:

eSkateboards category

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